Market SurveillanceKeep a Pulse on Consumer Credit
Alternative data for mitigating risk and identifying opportunities
Access Extensive Coverage
Discover Opportunities
Measure Issuer Performance
Data intelligence for due diligence
Determine opportunities worth pursuing. Market Surveillance offers extensive coverage of non-QM, prime jumbo, CRT (CAS and STACR), consumer unsecured, point of sale, small business, and student loans. Even more, users can access consumer credit benchmarks for a comprehensive overview of specific asset classes.
Explore analysis-ready data in seconds
Harnessing a suite of built-in visualization tools, users can now answer questions involving collateral composition, performance metrics, and credit metrics.
Monitor the health of the U.S. consumer through industry benchmarks
dv01 anonymizes datasets available on our platform, allowing clients to gain a holistic view of consumer unsecured, non-QM and prime jumbo mortgages, and prime and subprime auto markets.