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dv01 releases its Consumer Unsecured Benchmark & latest COVID-19 Performance Report

11 June 2020

dv01 releases its Consumer Unsecured Benchmark & latest COVID-19 Performance Report

Today dv01 released the sixth installment of our COVID-19 Performance Report. Our mid-month report contains data through June 4th and provides a snapshot of the online lending sector, including issuance volume. You can access the latest COVID-19 Performance Report here.

As COVID-19 uncertainty continues to loom over the market, dv01 is committed to help participants understand how the sector rises to meet the challenge. That’s why we are excited to announce the Consumer Unsecured Benchmark.

The benchmark aggregates and anonymizes platform-level datasets available on dv01, allowing users to easily compare individual deals, portfolios, and platforms against a reference point. By leveraging the benchmark, issuers and investors can identify origination trends, analyze consumer behavior, and assess loan characteristics across the sector.

Market Surveillance subscribers can access the benchmark now by navigating to the “Intelligence” section of the web app and searching for “Consumer Unsecured Benchmark” within the Pool Selector filter.

Interested in gaining access to the dv01 Consumer Unsecured Benchmark? Reach out to sales@dv01.co for more information.

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