
Tracking DQ and Modified Loans Over Six-Month Period, July 2024

9 September 2024

Track DQ - July 2024

To gain a deeper understanding of the performance of delinquent (DQ) and modified loans over time, the market needs to adopt a longer time horizon than the typical 30-90 day view. With dv01’s loan-level tracking capabilities, we can monitor these loans over a six-month period.

Our latest research analyzes Non-QM, Consumer Unsecured, and Subprime Auto loans using this extended time horizon, clarifies if a loan is Current due to full repayment or reduced payments, and compares improvements since January 31, 2024.

Quick Insights

  • Non-QM: While negative outcomes rising slightly to 27.3% (up from 26.4%), cure rates rose to 53.4% (up from 51.8%).

  • Consumer Unsecured: Performance improved, with positive outcomes increasing to 36.7% (up from 21%).

  • Subprime Autos: Performance improved, with negative outcomes decreasing to 26.8% (down from 33.1%).


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