
dv01 Discussion - Gauging Consumer Credit Amid Inflation

13 October 2022

Consumer Credit Panel - Oct 2022

As inflation changes consumer spending, dv01 gathered thought leaders to discuss the health of the consumer credit market. Download the webinar replay below to learn about loan performance, the macro environment, issuance, and more.


  • (Moderator) Jonathan Warrick, Head of Account Management & Support, dv01

  • Adelina Grozdanova, Co-Founder & Head of Investor Group, Upgrade

  • John Hecht, Managing Director of Equity Research and Specialty Finance, Jefferies

  • Jordan Rothstein, Managing Director of Securitized Markets Trading, Jefferies

  • Kevin Webb, Managing Vice President, Global Lending Services

  • Vadim Verkhoglyad, Head of Research & Publication, dv01


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